May Updates!

I haven’t posted for a while! I guess that’s what quarantine life does…not much is happening!

Okay, some things are happening. Last week I heard back from my editor about the manuscript I sent her and she LOVED it! So, yay! She had a few suggestions for changes, and they all made sense, so I fixed some things and added and cut and sent it back and we’re moving on. We still don’t have a title…but we have an idea! Stay tuned for if this gets final approval. We’re also working on a cover. This book may not look like my others, but rest assured it will still have all the feels and fun and heat of my other books.


I’m also super exited about the advance reviews for GAME CHANGER. This book is coming out June 9, gah, still so far away! I can’t wait because readers are loving it and I want you all to have it!


Some people are wondering if this will be the end of the Wynn Hockey books…right now it’s on hold, but there are still some family members whose stories I want to tell, so I really hope I will be able to write those in the future. Watch this space!

Other than that, I’m staying home, trying to write and still eating too much, LOL. I sewed a couple more masks for people who need them. I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy.

Kelly Jamieson