What’s coming from me in 2023?

I have no idea.

For the first time in fourteen years as a published author, I don’t know what’s coming next. Toward the end of 2022 I was feeling pretty burnt out. I guess burn out is the way to describe it? Tired, unenthusiastic, unsure if I wanted to keep writing. But I don’t know if I can actually quit.


So — this year ’m going to do things differently.

I’ve had books up for pre-order before I’d even written them. I didn’t like that pressure, although I delivered every time. I also wrote the books I thought I had to write, to make the most sales, even though I had so many other ideas.

This is smart business.. Have a long pre-order. Write to market. Stay in your lane. Everyone knows it. But… burn out.

This year, I’m going to write a book. I don’t know what it’s going to be about, but it’s going to be what I feel excited about writing. It might take a while, or if I can rediscover the joy of writing, it might be quick. Then I’m going to get it edited and get a cover made for it. And then I’m going to put it up for sale. I might have it up early, for pre-order, but if I do it’ll probably be shortly before release. And if that goes well, I might write another book.  🤞

So watch this space! Or sign up to get my news right in your inbox.

Kelly JamiesonComment
Happy New Year

At the end of the year it’s great to look back at our accomplishments but this year I’ve been feeling somewhat unaccomplished, despite publishing four books. So inspired by a post I saw yesterday, I decided to look back at all the things that got me through 2022.


In no particular order…

Reading in a bubble bath. Many bubble baths.

Sleeping in on weekends

Penny snuggles

Driving to the west coast and back with my sister. Long talks about everything. Stops for photo ops. So much good food. Bicycling around Kelowna. Wine tasting in Kelowna. White knuckle driving on the highway to Tofino. Getting lost so many times. Visiting our uncle and having the best fish and chips in Victoria. Walking in Cathedral Grove on Vancouver Island. Seeing whales from the ferry. All the flowers in Butchart Gardens. The Rocky Mountains. Drinks on a rooftop patio in Banff.

Planting flowers in the spring. The joy of seeing things grow and bloom.

Long puppy walks in the summer.

Runs along the creek. The freedom of wireless ear buds and a pocket in my shorts for my phone made me so happy.

The quiet of a snowy walk in winter.

TV shows —Ted Lasso, Succession, The White Lotus, Emily in Paris, Only Murders in the Building, the Bear, the Crown, Uncoupled

Friday Zoom meetings with author friends

Traveling – flying again, the people watching in airports, day drinking in airport bars, discovering the joy of Uber, seeing author friends in person again

The beach – floating in the ocean beneath the sun, lying in a cabana, sand under my toes, drinking margaritas on the beach, warm tropical night air

Warm summer days on my deck with a good book, or sometimes napping, on the comfy new furniture I got this year

Warm summer evenings on my deck with a glass of wine, my small fire pot, and a good book

Books! So many good books!

All the wonderful replies I got to my newsletter emails from readers

Watching the Jets play hockey – and winning

Talking about hockey and romance in livestreams with hockey author friends

Exchanging funny memes with my daughter because we both know what the other likes

The thank you I get from my son every night after I make dinner

Staying in bed all day on Boxing Day

My Facebook reader group who support me and lift me up and are all such beautiful people

The reactions from people when you give them a great gift

Music – hours and hours of Spotify

Visiting Elm Creek with my uncle, where he was born

Sitting around the outside fireplace at my sister’s lake house with the family and laughing so loud the neighbors mentioned it the next day

A facial that was so relaxing I could barely walk after

Writing a screenplay

Zooms and wine with PG Forte

Avoiding COVID for another year

How my son wore a mask IN THE HOUSE when he got a cold, to protect me, when people are bitching about wearing a mask ANYWHERE

My sister’s dog Lulu

Dogs in general

Kelly Jamieson
Scoring Big is now available!

It’s been a while since the last Bears Hockey book (I released Royally Indecent in between) and I’m so happy Scoring Big is now live! Scoring Big didn’t turn out to be the story I intended to write. After much angst I finally gave up on the “nanny next door” story and rewrote it the way it had to be. But some day I will write that “next door neighbors” story!


Do you get my emails? If you do, you get all my latest news, but if not, here are a few updates from me! (and if you don’t get my emails you can add yourself to my list HERE)

This fall I went on THREE trips. After years of not traveling, it was glorious. My sister and I drove across the country to the west coast and spent time touring Vancouver Island, Banff, and Kelowna wineries. So much fun and absolutely incredible scenery. Then I went to the NINC conference in St. Petersburg, Florida. I went a few days early to enjoy the beach at the resort, and it did not disappoint. Along with author friend Kat Mizera, I lounged in the sun and floated in the ocean for hours. Also, we may have have drank 32 oz. cocktails. The conference was pretty good and I came home with some useful information to put into practice. Then last last week I went to the Romance Author Mastermind conference in Houston. No beach, in fact there was barely time to leave the hotel, but the conference was amazing and being around my author friends and so many amazing romance writers was such a soul satisfying experience. Again, I came home with a lengthy to do list, but this time with a bit of a mind shift. I’ve been feeling a little burnout lately, and I’ve been pondering for months how to deal with it. I’ve decided that I need to find the fun in writing again. Yes, it’s a business, and I do work hard at the business aspects of writing, but ultimately for me this career is about love. Of course it is! I love love! And I love writing about love. I need to find that again, so I may be slowing down a little and figuring out which projects I want to work on the most and taking the time to have fun with them.

Watch this space for news!

Kelly Jamieson
Royally Indecent is live!

Yay it’s release day for Royally Indecent! This book is a book of my heart. I had the idea for it so long ago, and I actually started writing it years ago, and only just finished it this spring. It felt overwhelming and intimidating, but I’m glad I got it done!


You'll enjoy Royally Indecent if you love:

  • royalty

  • forbidden love

  • military romance

  • second chance romance

  • friends to lovers

  • scandals and secrets

  • overcoming odds

  • swords crossing!


"without any doubt Kelly Jamieson is the queen of ménage romances filled with heart, substance, and emotion while including some beautiful, tender and also hot intimate encounters." ~ Sharon, www.simplylovebooks.com

"This story was just delicious." ~ Glittergirl, Goodreads

"Wow! What an amazing story! The hotness level for this was off the charts! THIS IS A MUST READ FOR THE SUMMER!" ~ Sharon, Goodreads

Kelly Jamieson
Memory by scent

Yesterday I went on an exciting adventure — I went to the mall.

I’ve been to the mall twice…maybe three times?…since the pandemic started. To fully understand how significant this is, when I worked in a downtown office I use to shop nearly every day. Things have changed at the mall —stores have closed down or moved, and there are some new shops. I bought myself a couple of basic tank tops and some baby gifts, and some yummy candles from Bath & Body Works, saving myself the shipping costs I’ve been paying regularly.

Then I went into Sephora, for the first time since the pandemic began.

Image of Sephora store

The smell!

OMG, I stopped dead just inside the door. It was incredible.

I closed my eyes and was transported…I’m not sure where? Back in time? To pre-pandemic when we could travel and shop freely, without worry, when we could try on makeup without a mask and treat ourselves to a new lipstick that people would actually see. To Paris. New York. Los Angeles.

We only got a Sephora store in this city a few years ago — okay, make that a few years pre-pandemic, I’ve lost those recent years. So Sephora was always a special treat when traveling. I was transported to Paris, pre-pandemic, in the summer. To New York — March 2020, the last time I set foot in Sephora. It felt magical and luxurious and beautiful.

Many studies have found a connection between odors and powerful memories. Scientists believe that smell and memory are so closely linked because the anatomy of the brain allows olfactory signals get to the limbic system very quickly. Experts say the memories associated with smells tend to be older and thought about less often, meaning the recollection is very vivid when it happens.

This was so vivid and powerful it brought me to tears. I literally wanted to just stand there and breathe in that scent. I think it was so powerful because it hit me at that moment how hard the last few years have been. Not just not being able to travel — but the low key worry all the damn time about getting sick, about family getting sick, about the whole world getting sick, and how helpless and hopeless it’s felt at times, and going back on this cloud of expensive perfume to a happier time made me so emotional.

It’s only a cosmetics store but I was experiencing carefree life and travel and glamour and small luxuries I haven’t had the pleasure of for years. And in the midst of a pandemic that can rob people of this sense, I’m so grateful for that ability to smell and have that experience.

Kelly JamiesonComment

I have a surprise release!

I’ve been working on this book for 3 years so I didn’t put it up for pre-order or even talk about it much, because I didn’t know if I’d ever finish it! But I did. and I’m super excited about it! ROYALLED INDECENT will be out July 19, 2022!

A warrior. A prince. The one woman who can reconnect their broken hearts…


Chelsea Alderich

From the moment Ford rescues me from a bad date, I feel a spark. Too bad he’s gay, but he quickly becomes my best friend. And a roommate I can’t stop having hot dreams about. Then, at a charity gala, I meet Prince Griffin of Eria, a reformed playboy who runs a non-profit for veterans. And it isn’t long before flirting turns into falling in love.


Griffin Marlow

This American girl is messing with my head. I can’t stop thinking about her. She’s sweet and pure, and I’m falling hard, but there’s no way we can have a future together. I’m only here in the U.S. temporarily. I have to go back to Eria to take my place in line to the throne.


Ford Sullivan

Chelsea’s my best friend and my roommate, and even though my feelings for her are more than friendship, I won’t touch her unless she wants it. I know she’s seeing someone else, and to be honest, I’m a little jealous. Until I walk into our apartment and meet her new boyfriend—Prince Griffin of Eria. Then I’m freakin’ ballistic.

Kelly Jamieson
Release day for GOOD HANDS!

Good Hands is now available! I’m so excited for you to get to know Brandon and Lola better, after meeting them briefly in The O Zone. But if you didn’t read The O Zone, don’t worry! All the Bears Hockey books can be read as standalones!


I haven’t been as diligent as I’d hoped about keeping the blog updated sad face. Hopefully you are getting my emails. (If not, sign up here!) It will be a while until Scoring Big is out (November). The reason for this is the availability of my editor. I found an editor I love (who happens to be a hockey fan, bonus!) and her schedule gets booked up really fast so I had to take the dates she had in 2022. But…I’ve been working on a few other things, so watch the space for any surprise earlier releases! Hint: I’ve been doing a lot of wine research…

Also don’t forget to check out our livestream - Chippy Chicks! Stacey Agdern, Melanie Ting, Fortune Whelan, Danica Flynn and I talk about hockey from a romance author perspective! We have so much fun! Our next livestream is Sunday, April 24 at 8:00 Eastern.

And remember…I do have a lot of stories on reading apps RADISH and KISS, as well as a couple of interactve games on CHAPTERS!

Kelly Jamieson
How do I look?

Okay, not me, my website! Did you notice this page looks different? I just had a 2022 refresh and I’m in love with it. Thank you to Lauren Layne at Last Word Designs who got exactly what I wanted.

This week I’m working on edits for GOOD HANDS, coming in April. A fun new trope for me!

Kelly Jamieson

Right now - ON SALE!

TALK HOCKEY TO ME is on sale for just $0.99 everywhere! Only until January 18, so go grab it if you haven’t read it yet!

Amazon: http://bit.ly/talkhockeyaz

Apple: http://bit.ly/talkhockeyib

Nook: http://bit.ly/talkhockeybn

Kobo: http://bit.ly/talkhockeyK

Google: http://bit.ly/talkhockeyG


I don’t think I’ve posted here yet about the CHIPPY CHICKS!

We’ve been broadcasting live on YouTube for a few months now — we are five romance authors who love hockey (you already knew that about me!). I was having fun on Twitter one night watching hockey and commenting on games with these gals and we decided to try our own hockey and romance and hockey romance show. Here’s our channel where you can find previous episodes. Our next episode is Sunday, January 23, so subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss it!



Kelly Jamieson

Here I am, being better about updating the blog!

It’s Friday and it’s colder than a penguin’s pecker here. :) That’s a quote from “Sweet Obsession”: which I was just working on because it’s now up on Radish. So if you’re a Radish reader, check it out! The story is called “Hot in Chicago” and there will be three seasons— Sweet Obsession, All Messed Up, and Playing Dirty.


This week I sent “Good Hands” to my editor - yay! I had fun writing this story, it went waaaayyy smoother than writing “The O Zone” which was a disaster until my wonderful editor got her hands on it and helped me fix it up. Speaking of “The O Zone,” that released this week, too!

And I’m playing around with ideas for “Scoring BIg,” the next Bears Hockey book! I also started work on a SEKRET PROJECT that I’m doing with a couple of author friends, so stay tuned for more about that!

I also have new stories on the KISS app, and a new story on Chapters — Major MIsconduct. I don’t have a way to identify those on my website - I wonder if I should add something for that…good timing, because as I type this, I’m working with my web designer on a refresh of the site. Look for that!

I hope you’re staying warm if it’s cold where you are, the weather has been crazy but since COVID is in another wave, I’m not going anywhere anyway!!

Kelly Jamieson
Release day for The O Zone!

Yay! I’m so excited about this release, because advance readers are loving this book! I hope you’ll love Emerie and Owen (Cookie!) as much as they have! I loved writing their story - a subway busker and a 6’5” hockey player who’s a giant hockey nerd. Fake relationship! And a big uh-oh!

Amazon: https://bit.ly/ozoneAz

Apple: https://bit.ly/ozoneAp

Nook: https://bit.ly/ozoneBN

Kobo: https://bit.ly/ozoneKo

Google: https://bit.ly/ozoneG

Kelly JamiesonComment
Happy New Year!

I have been so lax on updating the blog here! I’m going to try to do better this year. That’s not a New Year’s resolution, since I don’t do those, but it is a goal for the year.


2021 was a challenging for many of us, in many different ways. I was very happy that I got my writing groove back and every week I try to focus on the positives. There’s always one good thing! I have an exciting release schedule for 2022 and I can’t wait to share my books with you. I just finished writing GOOD HANDS, coming in April, another Bears Hockey story, and it’s off to my editor. Time to get caught up with some other things and start the next book!

I use social media to connect with readers, but sometimes we forget that not everyone is on Facebook, or Twitter, or TikTok! I also have a mailing list where you can sign up to get all my news about new release, sales, and this year I’m giving away a free book every month as part of the Steamy Reads Book Club! You can sign up for that here… https://bit.ly/3qGfQlJ


I’m also exploring other ways of getting my books out to readers in some non-traditional ways. I have stories on Radish, which is serialized fiction that you can read on your phone. I also have a lot of stories coming to Kiss, another app for serialized stories. And if you like your stories interactive, I have a couple on Chapters. Fun new ways to access romance stories!

So be sure to check this space for more news in the coming months!

Kelly Jamieson


You met the New York Bears hockey team in my Bears Hockey series. Now comes Bears II—the same team but with a sexy new look! And of course, hot hockey players, fun tropes, and heartfelt romances!

The O Zone

Owen Cooke (Cookie) is on the defense against love but scoring in the O zone is so much fun…

Good Hands

Brandon Smith (Brando) has endless charm, silky mitts, and slick dangles…on and off the ice…

Scoring Big

Nate Karmeinski is scoring big on the ice but off the ice he needs an assist…

You can preorder the first three books now! See below for links!

Kelly Jamieson

It seems early for Christmas, but it’s never too early for Christmas romance, am I right?

Let’s get in the spirit!

I actually started this book last Christmas when I was under the influence of twinkle lights, carols, and shortbread. My author friends Jami Davenport, Kat Mizera, and Tess Thompson and I had the idea to write a set of Christmas stories set in the fictional mountain town of Garland Grove, where it’s aaaaalll about Christmas.

Be sure to check out their stories as well, coming each week!

Romancing the Rink

Kelly Jamieson
Big Witch Energy is now out!

I know this book is different. I know not everyone enjoys stories about witches. But I hope you’ll give this book a chance, because it’s really not that different from my other books. Yes, there are some magical powers. There’s still lots of spice. (Imagine—being able to make your clothes disappear when things are heating up…) There’s still lots of humor. And there are lessons about life that apply to all of us, witch or “Rucker,” as we normal beings are called in the book. And we read romance…so we already know that love is the greatest magic of all.

Life’s a witch, and then you fly.

I wrote this book because the pandemic sucked the creativity out of me, and I wanted to do something that got me writing again. And it was so fun! Okay, it was hard, too, because I wasn’t totally confident in my ability to pull this off. But I like a challenge, and growing as an author.

 “I am happy that this is the first book I've read by Kelly Jamieson because I am absolutely obsessed. I literally had to force myself to go to sleep. I love Romy and Trace together. The magic is so enthralling to me.” ~ Goodreads Reviewer


Kelly Jamieson


I’m getting lots of questions about what's coming next for me! Well...this is it! I wrote something really different for me...but it was so much fun! The pandemic really hit my creativity and motivation hard, so when I had this idea, I wanted to write it-- even knowing that it's different and not for everyone. That's okay! Lots more hockey romance is in the pipe! But for now...


Life’s a witch, and then you fly.

Romy Larson

The tequila made me do it—throw caution to the wind to take a DNA test. Now I know why “who’s your daddy” is a dangerous question. Dad’s a witch, with a whole magical family I knew nothing about.

Discovering I have magic isn’t the only shock (though it explains a lot). There’s a familiar face among the noisy, joyful Candler clan. A fostered son named Trace—the only other time in my play-it-safe life I did something crazy. A night of madcap fun and sizzling kisses.

Trace Holcomb

I mistook Romy for my blind date, and it was the best mistake I ever made. Her lips on mine were like magic, like hunger, like the promise of more. And then the other shoe—more like the hammer—dropped. Though the Candlers opened their big hearts to me when my family died, the truth is, Romy belongs. I don’t.

Now it’s up to me to run Romy through a crash course in remedial magic before she loses it forever. As the smoke clears from her first disastrous spells, something else becomes clearer. Our attraction wasn’t a fluke. And she could be the key to making one impossible dream come true…

August 3, 2021

Amazon: http://bit.ly/bigwitchAz

Apple: http://bit.ly/bigwitchAp

Nook: http://bit.ly/bigwitchBN

Kobo: http://bit.ly/bigwitchK

Add to Goodreads:


Kelly Jamieson
New release!

Yay! Talk Hockey to Me is now available!

Last year when I was writing this book, I was afraid I would never finish it. We all know how difficult last year was (and still is). My writing was seriously impacted. I started writing it, then stopped. This took way longer than it should have. But I did go back to it and persevered and finished the book. And I think it turned out great. (Readers do too, so far, so yay!)

Then I wasn’t sure it would be published. After waiting a couple of months, my publisher decided they aren’t publishing any more books. I was okay with that, mostly happy to have a decision, because I could publish it myself. And I did. After time for edits, cover, blurb, etc. we finally have Talk Hockey to Me out in the wild!

It won’t be that long until my next release — stay tuned!

Kelly Jamieson
Cover reveal!

It’s been a while coming, but I finally l have another book releasing, and we have a cover! Isn’t it beautiful?

TALK HOCKEY TO ME will be out May 11, 2021! This is the third Bears Hockey novel. I’m excited!

Kelly Jamieson
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!


I’m a little late posting this here on the blog. I hope you had the best holidays possible under the circumstances, most important is staying safe and healthy. Hope is here…with an end to this pandemic on the horizon with a vaccine coming. We just have to stay strong a little longer. 

I see authors posting how many books they published in 2020, how many words they wrote – well I have no idea how many words I wrote lol. I did have 5 books come out and I’m so happy that people are continuing to buy books and read. I’ve heard from readers that reading is helping them get through this challenging time, and I’m so happy to do some small part to help. 

I had a hard time writing in 2020, so this year may see fewer books released from me. It is what it is. Right now I’m feeling good and working hard.  

I think 2020 was a crap year for a lot of people, and we're all hoping 2021 is a better year. But every year, bad things happen. This virus isn't going to end overnight. Racism and white supremacy aren't going to end overnight. Climate change isn't going to be solved tomorrow. And who knows what else could happen in 2021!  

But 2021 will be a better year if we learn from what happened in 2020. If we learn to fight for racial justice, to protect our earth, and to make time with loved ones a priority even when we can go anywhere and do anything we want. And I’m hoping I can focus and write! 

Wishing you a better, safe, and healthy 2021!


Kelly Jamieson