WIPs and Chains
Once again a week without much work on the actual Work In Progress. I heard back from my critique partner about the changes I made to Power Struggle. She thought they worked and had a few more suggestions for tweaks, which were totally bang on, so I worked on those, edited and polished, printed and highlighted with many coloured markers a la Margie Lawson and then sent it off to one of my editors! That's always scary. Then my husband and I went away for the weekend and that meant no writing at all. Today at lunch time I finally got back to it, but after a week away from it, I had to read back to get back into it and get back into the characters' heads.
Once again I'm having that "this is crap, no one will ever want to read this" feeling. But since I've had that with pretty much every book I've ever written except maybe one, I'm getting used to it. Getting to expect it at some point in the process. And I'll just keep going.
Once again I'm having that "this is crap, no one will ever want to read this" feeling. But since I've had that with pretty much every book I've ever written except maybe one, I'm getting used to it. Getting to expect it at some point in the process. And I'll just keep going.