It's Thanksgiving - and I am thankful

It’s Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend so it’s time to be thankful, dammit!

Let’s all take a moment and think about the things we’re thankful for. Here’s my list:


1.      Wine

2.        Coffee


3.      Popcorn
4.      Romance novels
5.      Shoes

6.      My electric blanket
7.      My husband’s incredible body…heat
8.      Computers (even though they drive me insane sometimes)
9.      Makeup
10.  Yoga pants
11.  Twitter and all the people who keep me company while I write
12.  Nine Naughty Novelists

 13.  My dog Abby


14.  My family – my amazing children and wonderful husband
15.  All the people who buy and read my books – I’m SO THANKFUL to you!

What are you thankful for?