Posts tagged cervical cancer

Men have Movember – the month of November when they grow a moustache to raise funds and awareness for men’s health. Now we women have Julyna, a month for raising funds for the research and prevention of cervical cancer. But are women growing moustaches? Oh no... the idea for women is to choose a style for their hair “down there”. You can choose to leave it au naturel, select a design from their website or create your own.

The idea arose from a group of women wanting to do something similar to Movember. Apparently ideas that were ruled out were muffember, bevember, and vulvember. Eventually Julyna was arrived at.

It is hoped that the added attention drawn below the belt will inspire women to take care of this area in other ways, i.e. through scheduled Pap tests or by discussing the HPV vaccine with their family doctors.

Of course this begs the question, how will people know? It’s quite obvious when men are growing moustaches, but how will people know if women are supporting Julyna by styling their er...muff?

The article I saw about this in the newspaper had indicated that there would be a pin you could wear if you were participating, but when I visited the Julyna website I didn’t find anything about that. 

I certainly support the cause and trying to raise awareness and funds for cervical cancer. I definitely support the idea of women having regular Pap tests and my daughter did get the HPV vaccine. But despite the fact that I write romance and include some pretty explicit sex scenes, I’m not sure that I’m comfortable going around advertising how I’ve groomed myself down there.  How about you?