Monday morning and YAY! It's a holiday! So I'm at home today. Am I writing? Having finished my WIP last week, including a few passes through it to tidy up some loose ends and add a little layering, it has now been put away to rest. Along with the NINE other completed manuscripts I have sitting there in my computer.
Well truthfully, most of them aren't just sitting there. Five of them are out on submission at various places.
I did write this week, though, because it was my turn to write my chapter of the next Nine Naughty Novelists serial story. Oh I had so much fun writing it! It was just fun - exciting and exhilarating and energizing. It reminded me why I love writing. And I can't wait until it's ready for everyone to read, I think it's going to be another good one!
I also worked on edits this past week for Breakaway AND I got a print galley for Lost and Found to review so I started that. And I'm mulling a few ideas over in my head, deciding what to work on next.
And since I just got my cover for Breakaway here's a first peek at it:
I quite love it!! That's Jase, pro hockey player, and Remi, sixth grade teacher.
I have a print anthology out today!! This is the "Wet" series at Ellora's Cave which includes my novella, Sexpresso Night. Here's that cover:
Woo hoo!!