Look at me going all Martha Stewart here!
When I moved into my condo, there was a huge rhubarb plant in a place I didn’t want it. I dug it up and moved it, and I figured if it died, oh well. It didn’t die. It’s bigger than ever.
I picked a bunch of it.
I need 4 cups of sliced rhubarb. Will this be enough?
Sorry about the huge pics — Squarespace is being a asshole and not letting me fix these ones. The ones above worked. Sigh.
Perfect! I don’t know how the hell I did that.
I added 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water, brought it to a boil and simmered for 25 minutes.
Now we have rhubarb simple syrup! I strained the cooked rhubarb into this bowl. There is a lot of rhubarb pulp left, which seems a waste but I have no idea what to do with it. It tastes delish.
First thing I made with the rhubarb simple syrup — rhubarb lemonade. I used 1/4 cup simple syrup, juice of one large lemon, 3/4 cup water and topped it up with ice. Sour, but really refreshing!
I then moved on to cocktails. A rhubarb mojito! This was the BEST mojito I’ve ever had.
1/4 cup rhubarb simple syrup
a bunch of fresh mint
Muddle it in the glass. I cut a lime into quarters, squeezed 2 quarters into the glass then added them and muddled them too. Then I squeezed in the other half of the lime in, added rum, club soda, and ice. OMG this was so good!