Posts tagged Samhain
Release day!!
Love 2 Love U is the print anthology of my three novellas, Love Me, Love Me More and 2 Hot 2 Handle, all put together in one lovely book! Many of you will already be familiar with this threesome of threesome stories, but they have a beautiful new cover.

Actually release day was yesterday but I'm celebrating today at the Samhain Cafe and I'll be giving away a copy of Love 2 Love U if you want to come by for some excerpts and fun.

Here are the blurbs:

Three is definitely not a crowd…
Any way you want it, Kelly Jamieson serves it up in this triple threat of trios.

In Love Me, Melina is worried and frustrated. Sure, Gavin’s stressed about his big project at work, but jeez, it seems like he’d rather go solo than have sex with her. Nothing seems to get his attention except her not-so-innocent flirtation…with another woman.

Love Me More follows up with Melina and Gavin on the way to the altar. They don’t talk much about the night they indulged in a threesome—until he confesses his fantasy. Two women focused solely on his pleasure. Melina loves him enough to make it happen for him. Just as soon as she scrapes up the nerve…

2 Hot 2 Handle is the tale of Abby, who lives by one rule: no commitment. Ever. The look on two-months-steady Eric’s face has her on alert to head for the door, except her attraction to his roommate, Jett, makes her hesitate. Yet when both men tell her they want her for more than just one hot, sexy romp, she’s not sure she wants to know what they’re really asking of her—or if she can handle it.

Warning: These stories contain fighting, pouting, guilt, make-up sex, experimental sex, committed sex and sizzling ménage sex in various combinations of male and female!

I got lots of nice reviews for all three books but here's a bit from The Romance Studio on 2 Hot 2 Handle:


"It is exactly the type of book that I enjoy the most. The love scenes are extremely hot and spicy. Abby, Eric and Jett are loveable characters who have a chemistry between them that pulls the reader completely into the sensational story. I enjoyed the book enough to give it the highest rating I possibly could..."
Spring Showers!

If any of you haven't heard about this incredible event, Coffeetime is having a big Samhain celebration at their forum, with tons and tons of excerpts and prizes.

My excerpt from 2 Hot 2 Handle is up this week.  To win, all you have to do is comment on it, or any of the excerpts (and you get to check out lots and lots of great books).

Here's a bit about the rules:

"For each excerpt you comment on you will receive one entry up to a maximum of one entry per excerpt. To make things even more wonderful, since we authors love you soooo much, each entry you get will carry over until the end of the promo in five weeks time. Meaning, you can accumulate simply tons of entries into the last and splenderifically fantasticus final prize draw, and the Star Prize of three ebook downloads of your choice from Samhain Publishing.

Basically, the more excerpts you comment on over the next four weeks, the more chances you have to win.

Can you win more than once? Yep, you bet your little cookies you can. We don't toss your cookies, uhm, entries just because you’ve won. And if you can't comment on an excerpt for one week (like if you've died and had to come back as a lost spirit to enter) don't worry. You won't receive an entry for that week's prizes but the excerpts remain up for the run of the contest. That way you can comment on them at any time for the current weeks prizes."
Interview, free read and a contest!
Over the next weeks my Samhain editor is interviewing her writers at her blog, and posting the entire first chapter of one of our books – you can check it out and if you leave a comment you’re entered to win a free book. Today’s my day…Editortera’s Blog You can read the first chapter of FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS.

I can't wait to read more about some of my fellow Samhain authors over the next couple of weeks!
My first book is out!!

My first release is out this week!

I was excited but nervous, too – what if nobody bought my book?

But what a week this has been! I’d already had one review before Love Me was even released, and it was pretty good - 4 out of 5 angels from Fallen Angel Reviews.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted from partying in the Samhain café and I had fan mail!! One was from a fellow author who read Love Me and loved it. Her comments meant so much to me. The other was from a reader who says “she’s hooked” and wants to know when my next book is out! How cool is that????

The day after release day I was #8 on the My Book Store and More bestseller list! And that was after only twenty-four hours!Then I got another message from another author, Kirsten Saell, who read my book and liked it so much she reviewed it on her blog! She didn’t like everything about it – LOL – but her comments about the characters were really insightful. She really got it! Check it out:

And today Love Me is #6 on the bestseller list!

I’m so thrilled and proud to be sharing my stories, and I’m so glad others like Love Me.

So I asked myself – do these few days of joyfulness make up for all those months of depressing rejections?

They sure do!!