Posts tagged bestseller
Contest winner! #1 Bestseller! Sammies!
Release week is always crazy - busy, exciting, exhilarating, exhausting! I've been blogging and partying and giving away books and YAY! Rule of Three is #1 at the Samhain store!  Thanks to everyone who has bought Rule of Three!

Got my first reader email about Rule of Three and she said "Best menage ever!"  That made me SO happy!

Also made me happy when Carly Phillips tweeted:

Reading @KellyJamieson 's newest - scorching doesn't do it justice! #love


@KellyJamieson just finished! So emotional and wrenching- like if it was in real life, that's what everyone would feel. Awesome!


And hey don't forget to vote for the Sammies! Some of my books are in there, but there are so many great books and covers!

OKAY! The contest winner of the $20 gift card is....Ashley!! I've emailed you Ashley.

Thanks so much to everyone who came by to help me celebrate! Now to get on with the next twenty books...
My first book is out!!

My first release is out this week!

I was excited but nervous, too – what if nobody bought my book?

But what a week this has been! I’d already had one review before Love Me was even released, and it was pretty good - 4 out of 5 angels from Fallen Angel Reviews.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted from partying in the Samhain café and I had fan mail!! One was from a fellow author who read Love Me and loved it. Her comments meant so much to me. The other was from a reader who says “she’s hooked” and wants to know when my next book is out! How cool is that????

The day after release day I was #8 on the My Book Store and More bestseller list! And that was after only twenty-four hours!Then I got another message from another author, Kirsten Saell, who read my book and liked it so much she reviewed it on her blog! She didn’t like everything about it – LOL – but her comments about the characters were really insightful. She really got it! Check it out:

And today Love Me is #6 on the bestseller list!

I’m so thrilled and proud to be sharing my stories, and I’m so glad others like Love Me.

So I asked myself – do these few days of joyfulness make up for all those months of depressing rejections?

They sure do!!